Wednesday, May 31, 2017

June 2017

I apologize but I am unable to post right now. I will as soon as I'm able. We had a toddler vs. camera and this post will have to wait.

Monday, May 1, 2017

May 2017



Written and Illustrated by
Casey Newman

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Ascension by Sparks for Orthodox Kids

Hymn of
The Ascension

Thou hast ascended in glory O Christ our God, granting joy to Thy disciples by the promise of the Holy Spirit. Through the blessing they were assured that Thou art the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world!

Have Fun coloring your own Ascension Icon!
We celebrate the Ascension of Jesus Christ and this icon shows us that He was raised to Heaven in His body. Jesus should wear gold or white in this icon. We see Angels with Him representing His Glory and Heaven. They wear many colors like green, red, or blue. This is a good time to choose your favorite color! The circle around Jesus shows God the Father’s presence. It is dark blue.

Color the Holy Prophets we remember in May

The Holy Prophet Job
May 6th
He wears a red cloak and has gems on his clothes to show he was a rich man. He was a follower of God before Jesus lived. God blessed him with riches and many children. Job fell into a very hard time in life when his children died and he became very sick covered in painful rashes. It became his job to show everyone that even in these hard times you can be a strong believer in God and do what God wants you to do. And through God’s mercy his health and riches were restored.

The Holy Prophet Jeremiah
May 1st
He wears a green shirt and brown cloak. He lived about 600 years before Jesus was born. He spoke God’s messages to the Israelites for about 30 years. He is often called the Weeping Prophet because he lived in Jerusalem when it was destroyed and his people became slaves. It was his job to tell everyone to follow God’s laws.

The Holy Prophet Isaiah
May 9th
He wears a blue to show he is from a royal family. He was related to the Kings of Judah, almost 700 years before Jesus was born. He decided to follow God as a prophet when he saw a vision of God on His throne surrounded by angels! It was his job to tell everyone that God was going to have a Son. Powerful people were not happy with the messages that God gave Isaiah to tell and they had him killed.

Prophets of May by Sparks for Orthodox Kids

After reading the short stories about The Holy Prophets who we remember in May…

What is the job of a Holy Prophet?
The Holy Prophets _________ God’s messages to the people.

What in their stories are the same?
The Holy Prophets all ____________

What in their stories are different?
Job __________ but Jeremiah _____________ and Isaiah _______________

How did these stories make you feel, what words can you say about the Holy Prophets?
I felt__________ when we read the story because ______________

Can you think of people in the Church now that are like the Holy Prophets?

Happy Mother's Day

Tenderness by Sparks for Orthodox Kids

May Craft

Send in the Dads for this!
These are all mother's day ideas with a little Orthodox flair :) 

Card inspired by the Holy Mother's Garden-

You will need:
  • Children in the mood to hold still for just a minute!
  • Paint, green plus one color per child or Mom's favorite- you choice! 
  • Straws for flower stems
  • Glue
  • Colored paper or stock paper if you have it

One of my Sparks wanted to leave a footprint and the other (younger and got no choice) left his partial hand print. They colored the grass and some leaves after gluing on the straw- stems. We like to add stickers, little pictures cut out of magazines and handmade drawings on our projects...just let them fill it with love for Mama! 

Possible messages for the card

Image result for serenity prayer                               Image result for serenity prayer

Image result for bible quotes for mothers

Image result for bible quotes for mothers

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Image result for bible quotes for mothers                                     Image result for bible quotes for mothers

Image result for bible quotes for mothers        Image result for bible quotes for mothers

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