Wednesday, November 1, 2017

November 2017




Written and Illustrated by

Casey Newman

Synaxis of the Archangels

Sparks- Archangels
November 8th

Apostle Philip
Sparks- Apostle Philip
November 14th

Saint Gregory Palamas
Sparks- St. Gregory Palamas
November 15th

Sunday, October 1, 2017

October Craft

Night Light

I was inspired by a Halloween craft, but decided it was cuter as a night light for angels to watch over my little Spark in his new big boy bed!

You will need:

  • 16 popsicle sticks
  • hot glue
  • parchment paper- trace 4 images
  • paint
  • battery operated votive candle

Step 1- Glue the popsicle sticks into 4 squares

Step 2- Trace images onto parchment paper

Step 3- Let your little Sparks paint each picture

Step 4- Glue the 4 squares into a box and the papers onto each side

Step 5- Light the votive and enjoy!

October 2017

Lets start with Halloween!

As a convert I am still searching to balance my Orthodox Christianity with "normal" American culture.  

Here are a few articles by priests on the question of whether or not we should participate, I hope you find them useful. 

  • Here is advise from the Antiochian Archdiocese, written by Father George Morelli

He gives a thorough overview and history of Halloween followed with suggestions.

  • Here is an article or reflection on Halloween by Father Mark Sietsema at the Mystagogy Resource Center but I found it on Saint Mary's Orthodox Church in Cambridge MA

He gives a more personal reflection on Halloween.

Saint Thomas the Apostle

Sparks for Orthodox Toddlers

October 6th

Saint Thomas was a young fisherman from the same area as Jesus, they are both from Galilee. He left his job fishing to become a student of Jesus. After Jesus was arrested and crucified he appeared to his disciples but Thomas wasn't there. In the Gospel on Pascha we read that Thomas wouldn't believe until he got to see Jesus for himself.

Enjoy coloring your icon:
This icon shows Saint Thomas touching Jesus' wound. Both he and Jesus wear red and blue.

Forefather Abraham

Sparks for Orthodox Toddlers

October 9

The Righteous Forefather Abraham lived a long long time ago. He was a good man and did what God wanted him to do. God told him that he would be the Father of all God's people. They were the first ancestors of Jesus.

Enjoy coloring your icon:
This icon is called "The Hospitality of Abraham" it shows Abraham and his wife Sara serving three angels. The three angels represent God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Saint Luke the Evangelist and Apostle

Sparks for Orthodox Toddlers

October 18th

Saint Luke was a doctor from Syria. He heard of Jesus and went to Israel to learn. After becoming a follower of Jesus he traveled around to teach others. He ended up in Egypt telling people about Jesus. 
Saint Luke is important because he wrote the book of Acts in the Bible and he was also the first person to paint an icon of Mary, Jesus' Mother, who we also call the Theotokos.

Enjoy coloring your icon:
This icon shows Saint Luke with his icon of the Theotokos, above him is a bull with a Gospel book. The bull represents Luke, each of the four writers of the Gospel have a special animal. Saint Luke wears green and red.

Sparks for Orthodox Toddlers

Prophet Hosea 

October 17

Prophet Joel

October 19

Do you remember who the prophets were, what was their special job for God?

The Prophet Hosea lived long before Jesus, but the Holy Spirit told him about Jesus Christ. He told people that Jesus would be born and our relationship with God will change!

The Prophet Joel also lived long before Jesus, and the Holy Spirit told him that Jerusalem was going to be destroyed.

Enjoy coloring your icon:
Hosea wears red and blue and Joel wears green and orange

Apostle James, The Brother of the Lord

Sparks for Orthodox Toddlers

October 23

Friday, September 1, 2017

September 2017



Written and Illustrated by
Casey Newman

Moses the Godseer and Prophet

Sparks for Orthodox Toddlers

September 4th

Moses was adopted by Pharaoh's royal family as a baby. But when we got older he ran away and lived as a shepherd. He was an old man when God chose him to save the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. Moses loved his family and didn't want to leave to do God's special job.

God knew that Moses was the right man for this job. To convince Moses, God talked to Moses in a big voice.

It took a long time for Moses to get the Jews out of slavery in Egypt. They started a long adventure in the desert, going to land God gave them.

The Exodus Journey through the Wilderness.
On their long walk through the desert, God gave Moses laws. We call these The Ten Commandments.

Moses was a very important man. He brought God's news to the people. He saved the Jews from slavery. He saw God and heard His voice. He gave us God's Law. He lived a very long time doing God's special work.

Zacharias the Prophet

Sparks for Orthodox Toddlers
September 5th

We talk about John the Baptist a lot. What do you know about him?

Zacharias was a priest of God in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. When he was an old man with no children, an angel appeared and told Zacharias that God loved him and hears his prayers. God decided to give them a baby boy.
Zacharias is the father of John the Baptist.
But Zacharias was so surprised and didn't believe the angel. Because Zacharias didn't believe the angel he could not talk until the baby was born. Imagine that, a priest who could not talk until next summer!
When the baby was born everyone wanted to know what to call him. Zacharias was filled with joy and the Holy Spirit, then he could talk again.

When the evil King Herod sent his soldiers to look for baby Jesus; Zacharias protected his baby from the soldiers; the soldiers killed him. He loved his special boy so much!

Nativity of the Theotokos

Sparks for Orthodox Toddlers
September 8th

We are celebrating the birthday of the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We know His grandparents were named Anna and Joachim. They were old and had been praying to God for a long time to give them a baby.

Can you think of anyone else who prayed to God a long time for a baby?

September Craft

September's Craft

We decided to make crosses for Exaltation.

You will need:

  • craft glue
  • craft sticks (we save popcicle sticks)
  • paint
  • good scissors
  • paper plates (optional)

Glue sticks into a cross allow time for it to dry. I added layers for strength. My older Spark glued his own, but the younger one did not, so you decide how much to prepare for your little ones. Then let them have at it to decorate! I also glued crosses onto paper plates as an alternative for my little one, it worked well since he doesn't really understand "decorating" yet!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

August Craft

As a follow up to the collage "I am part of God's Creation" make an "I spy" tube! We used paper towel tubes that they decorated with crayons, markers and stickers. During nap-time I coated them with Modge-Podge glue to add some durability and waterproofing! They have lasted over a week, although one disappeared.

We also made John the Baptist head spin-

It may be easier to use the "printer friendly section to print John's icon

You will need:

  • John the Baptist printout and head
  • sharp knife
  • paint/crayons/markers 
  • small paper plate or paper circle
  • pin fastener for center pivot

2) Cut out both places for his head

3) Secure his head to plate (before it wanders off!)

3) Let your Spark enjoy!

4) Pin the plate so the head can spin from one spot to the other
5) Enjoy!

August 2017



Written and Illustrated by
Casey Newman

St John Baptist.JPG
John the Baptist

Saint John the Baptist
August 29th

John the Baptist was Jesus cousin. He was a very holy man. We call him The Forerunner because he started preaching that the Christ was coming before Jesus began his ministry.
He lived almost like a monk, his icon shows him wearing fur or green clothes to remind us that he lived close to nature.
John was a prophet. He told everyone God’s important news. John’s followers were baptized to wash their sins off and make them ready to follow Jesus.

We remember John the Baptist on August 29th. He was killed by an evil woman who tricked a powerful man into having him executed. John spoke the truth about her naughty life and she felt bad but did not ask for God to forgive her. Instead she got angry and got a man to cut off his head.
Throughout history his head has been lost and then found!

I hope you enjoy coloring The icon of John the Baptist, God’s messenger (just like angels). Remember he lived in the desert, so he wears green and angel wings are yellow or orange.
Find John’s head under crafts!

Dormition of Theotokos

The Falling Asleep of Mary the Mother of God
August 15th

Mary was a special girl from the moment she was born to the moment she died. Her parents prayed to God for a miracle because they wanted a child, and He gave them Mary. When she was a kid her parents brought her to live at the Holy Temple to be taught all God’s rules by the priests.
Then as a teenager God sent an angel to ask her if she would bring His son into the world and raise Him. She accepted this very special job and gave birth to Jesus on Christmas. Mary became the first Christian, believing that He was God’s Son. She encouraged Jesus to do God’s good work. She went with Him when He preached. And when Jesus died for everyone’s sins, Mary was there. She helped bury Jesus’ body and was there for His Resurrection on Holy Pascha.
Eventually Mary was an old lady. One day she fell asleep and didn’t wake up. All Jesus friends came to say goodbye. And just like she was there for Jesus, He came and carried His Mom up to Heaven. She has a special spot in Heaven, close to Jesus Christ where she is still there for us. She prays and prays to Jesus and can help us when we ask.

Here is a small piece of Paraklesis to try as a prayer

To the Theotokos, let us run now most fervently,
As sinners and lowly ones,
Let us fall down in repentance,
Crying from the depths of our soul:
Lady, come and help us,
Have compassion upon us;
Hasten now for we are lost
In the host of our errors;
Do not turn your servants away,
For you alone are a hope to us.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Monday, July 3, 2017

July Craft

I am part of God's Creation

I took my Spark with a bowl to find things that are part of the Animal and Plant Kingdoms as well as something for the Earth. We came in and glued them on a paper plate.

You will need-

  • paper plates
  • glue
  • crayons/ markers
  • items from outside

July 2017



Written and Illustrated by
Casey Newman

Archangel Gabriel July 13th

Please enjoy coloring your own Angel Gabriel.
Gabriel is an Archangel that means he commands other angels in God's host. He wears blue and gold. He carries a ball that represents the Earth.


We often remember Gabriel during the Annunciation, when he talked with Mary, the Theotokos, about having baby Jesus.

We sing to Gabriel-

O Commanders of the Heavenly Host,
we the unworthy beseech you,
that through your entreaties you will fortify us,
guarding us in the shelter of the wings of your ethereal glory, even as we fervently bow before you crying:
"Deliver us from all danger,
as Commanders of the Powers on high! "

Saint Anna, Grandmother of Jesus, July 25th

Anna lived a very long time ago with her husband Joachim.
They were married for a long time without having any children. They prayed to God often to bless them with a baby. God surprised her with the blessing of a baby girl. We call that girl the Theotokos, to remember that she was Jesus’ Mom.
Anna and Joachim were so grateful to God for blessing them with a child that they made sure to raise her as God’s beloved handmaiden. They taught her God’s rules, to pray and love .

Please enjoy coloring your icon of Jesus with his Mom and grandma! Baby Jesus often wears yellow, his mom and grandma wear red and blue.

I is for Independence:
Independence means to be free from the control of others.

Practice writing I:

I   I   I   I   I

Silly sentence:
Independent Irene inspires Isaac.  

Independence Day
Fourth of July

Pappa is cooking burgers on the barbeque.
Mama brings pasta salad to the picnic table.
Its Zach’s job to bring the silverware and plates out
and Lizzy has the cups.

Before we eat, Pappa leads us in a prayer to thank God for living in a country that gives us the freedom to worship God
as Orthodox Christians.

After lunch we have watermelon and blueberries.

Mama says tonight when it gets dark, we’re going to the park for a special adventure called fireworks!
She said there will be a band playing music and lots of people. Lizzy and I are super excited!

Blessed are Thou, Oh Lord, who has fed me from childhood, who gives food to all flesh. Fill our hearts with joy and gladness, that we, always having enough of all things, may do every good work in Christ Jesus, Our Lord. Through whom be all glory, honor, might, majesty and dominion, forever and ever

Adapted from My Daily Orthodox Prayer book by Anthony Conaris 2001, page 140