Written and Illustrated by
I hope you enjoy this special collection of
hymns for practicing and icon drawings to color!
P is for Pascha
Pascha is the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ Jesus.
We have been preparing through Great Lent and Holy Week with fasting and extra prayers. Now we celebrate as Christ wins over Death and saves us all! Hallelujah!
How many Ps can you find above? ____
Practice writing P
Silly sentence:
Plenty of people practice praying for Pascha.
Palm Sunday
Hymn to the Bridegroom
I see your bridal chamber adorned,
Oh my Savior,
but I have no garment fit to enter in.
Oh Giver of Light,
make radiant the garment of my soul and save me!
The 10 Virgins with oil
All the works of the Lord, praise the Lord!
Anointing Jesus with oil
Though I have outdone the sinful woman, I have offered you no shower of tears. Rather I fall before you fervently kissing your feet, praying silently that, as Master, you will forgive me my sins as I cry, “Savior, free me from my foul deeds”
The Last Supper
Our Father in Heaven,
Holy is your name,
Your Kingdom come your will be done
on Earth and in Heaven.
Give us today our food
and forgive us (Jesus) as we forgive others.
Lead us not into trouble but save us from the Bad Guy.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
On this day You declared the Thief worthy of Paradise. Enlighten me too, Lord, by the wood of the cross and save me!
Christ in Hades
Arise Oh Lord, and judge the earth for you shall inherit all the nations!
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down Death by death and to those in the tombs bestowing Life!
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