Sunday, October 1, 2017

October Craft

Night Light

I was inspired by a Halloween craft, but decided it was cuter as a night light for angels to watch over my little Spark in his new big boy bed!

You will need:

  • 16 popsicle sticks
  • hot glue
  • parchment paper- trace 4 images
  • paint
  • battery operated votive candle

Step 1- Glue the popsicle sticks into 4 squares

Step 2- Trace images onto parchment paper

Step 3- Let your little Sparks paint each picture

Step 4- Glue the 4 squares into a box and the papers onto each side

Step 5- Light the votive and enjoy!

October 2017

Lets start with Halloween!

As a convert I am still searching to balance my Orthodox Christianity with "normal" American culture.  

Here are a few articles by priests on the question of whether or not we should participate, I hope you find them useful. 

  • Here is advise from the Antiochian Archdiocese, written by Father George Morelli

He gives a thorough overview and history of Halloween followed with suggestions.

  • Here is an article or reflection on Halloween by Father Mark Sietsema at the Mystagogy Resource Center but I found it on Saint Mary's Orthodox Church in Cambridge MA

He gives a more personal reflection on Halloween.

Saint Thomas the Apostle

Sparks for Orthodox Toddlers

October 6th

Saint Thomas was a young fisherman from the same area as Jesus, they are both from Galilee. He left his job fishing to become a student of Jesus. After Jesus was arrested and crucified he appeared to his disciples but Thomas wasn't there. In the Gospel on Pascha we read that Thomas wouldn't believe until he got to see Jesus for himself.

Enjoy coloring your icon:
This icon shows Saint Thomas touching Jesus' wound. Both he and Jesus wear red and blue.

Forefather Abraham

Sparks for Orthodox Toddlers

October 9

The Righteous Forefather Abraham lived a long long time ago. He was a good man and did what God wanted him to do. God told him that he would be the Father of all God's people. They were the first ancestors of Jesus.

Enjoy coloring your icon:
This icon is called "The Hospitality of Abraham" it shows Abraham and his wife Sara serving three angels. The three angels represent God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Saint Luke the Evangelist and Apostle

Sparks for Orthodox Toddlers

October 18th

Saint Luke was a doctor from Syria. He heard of Jesus and went to Israel to learn. After becoming a follower of Jesus he traveled around to teach others. He ended up in Egypt telling people about Jesus. 
Saint Luke is important because he wrote the book of Acts in the Bible and he was also the first person to paint an icon of Mary, Jesus' Mother, who we also call the Theotokos.

Enjoy coloring your icon:
This icon shows Saint Luke with his icon of the Theotokos, above him is a bull with a Gospel book. The bull represents Luke, each of the four writers of the Gospel have a special animal. Saint Luke wears green and red.

Sparks for Orthodox Toddlers

Prophet Hosea 

October 17

Prophet Joel

October 19

Do you remember who the prophets were, what was their special job for God?

The Prophet Hosea lived long before Jesus, but the Holy Spirit told him about Jesus Christ. He told people that Jesus would be born and our relationship with God will change!

The Prophet Joel also lived long before Jesus, and the Holy Spirit told him that Jerusalem was going to be destroyed.

Enjoy coloring your icon:
Hosea wears red and blue and Joel wears green and orange

Apostle James, The Brother of the Lord

Sparks for Orthodox Toddlers

October 23