Written and Illustrated by
Casey Newman
Archangel Gabriel July 13th |
Please enjoy coloring your own Angel Gabriel.
Gabriel is an Archangel that means he commands other angels in God's host. He wears blue and gold. He carries a ball that represents the Earth.
We often remember Gabriel during the Annunciation, when he talked with Mary, the Theotokos, about having baby Jesus.
We sing to Gabriel-
O Commanders of the Heavenly Host,
we the unworthy beseech you,
that through your entreaties you will fortify us,
guarding us in the shelter of the wings of your ethereal glory, even as we fervently bow before you crying:
"Deliver us from all danger,
as Commanders of the Powers on high! "
Saint Anna, Grandmother of Jesus, July 25th |
Anna lived a very long time ago with her husband Joachim.
They were married for a long time without having any children. They prayed to God often to bless them with a baby. God surprised her with the blessing of a baby girl. We call that girl the Theotokos, to remember that she was Jesus’ Mom.
Anna and Joachim were so grateful to God for blessing them with a child that they made sure to raise her as God’s beloved handmaiden. They taught her God’s rules, to pray and love .
Please enjoy coloring your icon of Jesus with his Mom and grandma! Baby Jesus often wears yellow, his mom and grandma wear red and blue.
I is for Independence:
Independence means to be free from the control of others.
Practice writing I:
Silly sentence:
Independent Irene inspires Isaac.
Independence Day
Fourth of July
Pappa is cooking burgers on the barbeque.
Mama brings pasta salad to the picnic table.
Its Zach’s job to bring the silverware and plates out
and Lizzy has the cups.
Before we eat, Pappa leads us in a prayer to thank God for living in a country that gives us the freedom to worship God
as Orthodox Christians.
After lunch we have watermelon and blueberries.
Mama says tonight when it gets dark, we’re going to the park for a special adventure called fireworks!
She said there will be a band playing music and lots of people. Lizzy and I are super excited!
Blessed are Thou, Oh Lord, who has fed me from childhood, who gives food to all flesh. Fill our hearts with joy and gladness, that we, always having enough of all things, may do every good work in Christ Jesus, Our Lord. Through whom be all glory, honor, might, majesty and dominion, forever and ever
Adapted from My Daily Orthodox Prayer book by Anthony Conaris 2001, page 140