All Saints (of America)- June 3rd
All Saints of America by Sparks for Orthodox kids |
We just had Memorial Day to remember the soldiers who have defended our country. These saints brought Orthodoxy to our country. All saints of America intercede for us!
The universe offers You the God-bearing martyrs,
As the first fruits of creation, O Lord and Creator.
Through the Theotokos, and their prayers establish Your Church in peace!
Old Testament Prophets
Elisha (June 14) and Amos (June 15)
Prophets Elisha and Amos by Sparks for Orthodox kids |
The prophet Elisha did many miracles using water. Water is very important in the desert- Why? Elisha also healed Lepers from their disease and brought a man back from death.
Amos was a shepherd in the land of Zebulon. God sent him to warn The People that God was unhappy with King Jeroboam's evil ways. He told the Israelites to repent and follow God's Laws.
Nativity of John the Baptist - June 24th
Nativity of John the Baptist by Sparks for Orthodox Kids |
Happy Birthday John the Baptist!
Today his mother Elizabeth gave birth to her only baby. John was so special because she didn't think she could have children.
His father was Zachariah a priest. An Angel told him that God was going to give them a baby. Zachariah didn't believe it because they were old enough to be Grandparents!
God kept His promise. Have you heard the story of when Mary, the Theotokos, visited Elizabeth while they were both pregnant?